Meet Adam

Meet Adam

Adam White is the father of two adult children, both of whom are full-time college students. He has been married to Angelina for twenty-two years. Adam was born and raised in Ottawa, and continues to live in Ottawa Township with his family. He is a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for twenty-seven years and obtained his Journeyman Wireman status in 2001.

Adam has given back to Ottawa’s Community by donating his time and skills through volunteering with United Way - Labor of Love, Community Food Basket of Ottawa, Ottawa Pads Shelter, American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Ottawa National Little League, Ottawa American Little League, Dollars Against Diabetes, Naplate and Ottawa clean up after 2017 tornado, Ottawa Festival of Lights Parade, Ottawa Community Christmas Dinner, and Touch a Truck.

As mentioned, Adam is a member of Local 176, International Brotherhood Electrical Workers Local 176. Adam was an apprentice wireman from 1996-2001 and topped out in 2001, becoming a Journeyman Wireman. He has served as a part-time instructor teaching Industrial Process and Control Instrumentation, was a test administrator with the Electrical Power and Research Institute, and full time instructor at the NECA - IBEW Local 176 Training Center. He has extensive experience working with and supervising large and small crews as an electrician. He has held top supervising positions on construction projects and industrial maintenance needs, including disaster work. Adam is a project manager at Halm Electrical Contracting. He coordinates labor, equipment, tools, materials, and unique circumstances on job sites and projects, always prioritizing safety. Adam is responsible for the project's safety, performance, and customer satisfaction.

Adam's professional experience has enabled him to excel as an Ottawa Township Highway Department Employee, where he gained experience with road maintenance, ditch mowing, noxious weed control and drainage management, snow plowing, and ice events, township vehicle, equipment, building and property maintenance and repair, assisting other townships and governmental agencies during weather events and unplanned situations. Adam has been preparing to be the Ottawa Township Road Commissioner by studying and reviewing Ottawa Township Highway Department guidelines, laws and duties, and past annual and monthly budgeting and supply needs, filling in for the current road commissioner, running the shop and crew, and managing weather events when requested.

Adam is also an active member of Variety Riders Motorcycle Club—Ottawa, Illinois, where he actively invests his time helping with multiple tasks throughout the club. He has served as the club's referee, treasurer, event organizer, and president. Adam enjoys the natural environment, whether hiking or riding through the woods. He gives back helping to preserve the club's natural elements and working to continue its success for generations to come.

Adam is grateful for the chance to serve our community and appreciates your support. Vote for experience. Vote Adam White.

Thank you, Supporters of Adam White